세계 경영의 초석을 다지는직업교육의 메카, GEOJE!
모두가 인정하는 조선해양 인재양성의 메카
Geoje University creates diverse impression project to increase thecompetitiveness of the community
하계 ESG Project in JEJU
Summer ESG Project in Jeju
부울경권 운영협의회 공동프로그램
Joint program of Busan-Gyeongnam area Operation Council
Through the impression project, the competitiveness of the university and the communityis increased together and the great help is provided for the development of community
글로벌 역량강화 해외프로그램(일본)
Reinforcement of Global Competence–Overseas Program (Japan)
정주인재고교 진로체험
Career Experience of JeongjuInjae High School
Leadership Camp of Engineering Depts
The innovation support project raises the education level of the students by playing great role in the improvement of the education and welfare facilities within the university
간호학과 실습실
Practice Room of Nursing Dept.
실감형콘텐츠 지역별 체험센터
Realistic Contents Experience Center by Area
Geoje University provides a diverse environment to students with state-of-the-art facilities for a unique educational environment.
3D프린터 실습실(메이커스페이스)
3D printer practice room (Makerspace)
조리제빵과 실습실
Practice room of culinary and baking art dept.